\u0026lt;Let me live>
... Let me live free as air
taught me to fly Now I short wings. [...]
Nothing only I like the theme and how it's made the video.
Free as the air ...
Friday, March 28, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
Is There Any Way To Stream Live Southpark
\u0026lt; Here Mism0 ... in La Selva>
When looking at the image of a hyena
The place where I rodeo.
Honestly said
I do not know, sometimes I find this shit.
Who said that honesty, changed something? ...
(Damn!) I have to learn to fake it anymore
.............................. ..........**.....................................
There are times when human beings behave like a true Homo Erectus (for Sapiens is not enough), this species is characterized by the evolution of his brain, I sometimes progress is hard to understand because there are people who do not used and this is evident.
The environment, like a real jungle, try to look some faces and I guess the hyenas, sniffing the ground looking for any animals who hunt, have such bright eyes that seem to get away or suddenly jump as a wolf hunting its prey. I sit, just watch.
Then when my eyes are burning, close them and start listening, murmuring that they become questions that raise even more questions, a male voice tries to calm the issue and everything seems muted.
try to concentrate and go back to my common, everyday, try to go back to become a normal person. I try to put more attention and listen to "return" and a thousand more words that make sense, but when you stop and start to walk you realize that everything is more complex than that, or I do not like to hear that everything looks nice and perfect.
A little air and everything goes back to look like a jungle, I hear voices, but insist they are panting hyena, marking territory and who will be stalking your food, the eyes are sharp and shiny. After a while, looks dizzy, as subliminal words are just looking for aggressive screams aside and make them well-hyena-may return to their nature may feel them .... as animals (ultimately After all have to be fed, against any cost .... humans do the same).
The human animal has its part, the problem is that some have only enhanced the animal.
.....................................**..... ...................................
I? I do not know, I still think it sucks.
When looking at the image of a hyena
Noting its prey
The face graph, exactly
The face graph, exactly
The place where I rodeo.
Honestly said
I do not know, sometimes I find this shit.
Who said that honesty, changed something? ...
(Damn!) I have to learn to fake it anymore
.............................. ..........**.....................................
There are times when human beings behave like a true Homo Erectus (for Sapiens is not enough), this species is characterized by the evolution of his brain, I sometimes progress is hard to understand because there are people who do not used and this is evident.
The environment, like a real jungle, try to look some faces and I guess the hyenas, sniffing the ground looking for any animals who hunt, have such bright eyes that seem to get away or suddenly jump as a wolf hunting its prey. I sit, just watch.
Then when my eyes are burning, close them and start listening, murmuring that they become questions that raise even more questions, a male voice tries to calm the issue and everything seems muted.
try to concentrate and go back to my common, everyday, try to go back to become a normal person. I try to put more attention and listen to "return" and a thousand more words that make sense, but when you stop and start to walk you realize that everything is more complex than that, or I do not like to hear that everything looks nice and perfect.
A little air and everything goes back to look like a jungle, I hear voices, but insist they are panting hyena, marking territory and who will be stalking your food, the eyes are sharp and shiny. After a while, looks dizzy, as subliminal words are just looking for aggressive screams aside and make them well-hyena-may return to their nature may feel them .... as animals (ultimately After all have to be fed, against any cost .... humans do the same).
The human animal has its part, the problem is that some have only enhanced the animal.
.....................................**..... ...................................
I? I do not know, I still think it sucks.
Monday, March 17, 2008
South Park Castellano Stream
\u0026lt;7 am>
They strengthen
to knock you down Just
do not believe is not good for anything ...
............................**................ .......................
I had already forgotten the sound of the alarm, true that in 3 months I have forgotten several things I wanted to either leave them there.
The fun is over and the rules of the game begin to write automatically, eyes closed but awake and alert consciousness because sometimes everything seems to fade with the light, but there are situations which are resolved in the dark.
Finally, at 7 is dark and I can even predict that the alarm will sound mind that is worth a denial-directed behavior, although it my mood is good and worthy of wonder, but I know that last bit also hopes that things will continue as before, a new day and I feel that everything has changed or rather that everything should change ...
And that idea round my head makes sense: The more I grow, the less I know, but the more I see, the less I grow.
I can not close my eyes ... there's no time to close, it would mean giving up part of my ...
During the weekend, try to make the decision ... now just assimilate, I visualize ...
...............................**............. ............................
As long as I'm living, I'll be waiting
As long as I'm breathing, I'll be there Whenever you
call me, I'll be waiting
Whenever You Need Me, I'll be there [...]
[...] "Once the fear has gone complete solitude, a kind of luxury that I was proud and was in this second phase that had begun to [...] many difficulties arise, the same way that when someone is dying of hunger accept anything, unconditionally, and then, once the most urgent has been satisfied, begin to complain increasingly of its shortcomings and disadvantages. I've seen in the last year immigrants who arrived with the humility of one who has escaped from the concentration camps, accept anything to live and work happily play most humiliating, but it is quite strange that a man may not be sufficient to have escaped the torture and death to live happy, when it begins to acquire new confidence, pride, vanity and pride, which had apparently been destroyed for ever, begin to reappear, as animals that had been frightened, and in some ways to return with more petulance, as ashamed to fall to that point. It is not difficult in such circumstances attending acts of ingratitude and ignorance.
Now that I can analyze my feelings calmly [...] I feel that way, I'm paying for the folly "[...] [...]
" We have no right to think in ourselves. The world is very complicated, "
I asked what he meant. I responded with a more somber tone: "Happiness is surrounded by pain."
wasted on a daily basis, to disallow a change that involves (re) organize, (re) consider (re) live ...
Human beings have to understand, to close my eyes, is to reject part of oneself.
...................................**......... .................................
This is the book I never read
These Are The Words I Never Said
This is the path I'll never tread These
Are the dreams I'll dream INSTEAD This is Seldom the joy that's spread
These Are the tears [...] This
is the fear
And these are the years that we have spent
And this is what they represent
And this is how I feel
Do you know how I feel ?
listed, classified in some way or another, everything would be as black and white, there would be no media terms, the inaccuracy does not, however, is the language that makes some accurate, unambiguous and doubles.
numbers sometimes are just that and no further in this, or are so necessary to solve equations that only sufficient to reach a solution, on paper or in life, the numbers define, organize and resolved.
Everyone has the numbers "of luck" for various reasons, birthday, anniversary, age, etc. however there is always a number that is right feeling, that no one points, which nobody plays in the end. The 13 was for years the number more avoided by people, so I decided to resolve the small matter for my conscience, but I'm not superstitious, but I took a taste of self-centeredness, do not count with 7, or top ten, but thirteen, yes, thirteen detail, moments, phrases, etc.. something without any science, but with much originality, as there is a count of 13, at least that does not include, color favorite TV program. , Animal reincarnation, etc. just what comes to my mind and to define it.
Like it or not, I do not, do not expect anyone identify ... = D
Here goes.
1 .-
One more reason to live: The daily opportunity I have to redeem myself, just to try again and again and again to find reasons to keep me upright. passion for what I do every day is what keeps me alive.
2 .- Defect
carried proudly The low fragility is something that comes with the coolness and born with a defect value, in some ways I am skeptical and therefore would not let me hunt easily, I'm a person looking at the innate and sometimes emotions are a product of nature, but are used for a situation or to take advantage of. Emotions used intention notice ground and if it does not remain cold, inaccessible and start to think carefully about what you say. On a daily
Reflections: always wanted to express this idea, is fragile recognize when you do not do things right or what you never wanted to make is reflected in another, parents will always create an atmosphere of responsibility and we children, we do see that it is complex, certainly in some cases yes, but I have my criticisms. not blame your son (s) for not doing what YOU'd wanted.
not blame your son (a) for the things or actions TU unsuccessful. not blame your son (a) to observe situations that only YOU carried out in front. not blame your son (a) for being a good person even when you have highlighted their errors.
not blame your son (a) failure to communicate with you, if you never did. not blame your son (s) for wanting to get away from you if you only want it with phrases threats "while living in this house." not blame your son (a) for making mistakes if you anyone taught you to be a parent.
not blame your son (a) ... Love him and love him for like not for what YOU want to be or what you let your pride.
I'm not mother and daughter but when you grow and responsibilities are inevitable, in addition to making awareness with other realities, you realize your shortcomings and questions are a collective story fraught with difficulties. No one teaches you live or how to live, it is up to you and no father to stop the process. When you grow up parents see the reflection of his upbringing, where the errors are not corrected and filled with guilt and blame, justifying their own frustration, as if somewhere, easing the situation. Being son is not a choice, Parenting ... Yes 4 .-
frown when something I dislike. do several things at once. Read a book. Shouting
. Not finishing something I started. 5 .-
disappoint me with: The men who filled words, cute, gimmicky, magic, cheesy or whatever the opposite sex swear wadding "that achieved something, in some ways some men can be so predictable: D, please if anyone does frequently and feels 100% identified, it must be said: it does not work, we are in the twenty-first century and good use creativity for something else. Sometimes it is better to follow the man said ... it is better known, they need to know ... although their weapons are always the same.
6 .- I've never done:
Now this is funny, I'll throw the first stone but something simple, yet is as sappy, but I do not, I have never done a torpedo, yes, yes, of any kind any way possible, if I take my note, which is with dignity or well in reverse and took the position that for years ... look no further. I understand people who do not reproach I have with it, provided they are a list of useless things, dates, authors, etc. Memory is fragile, especially when they ask little things. 7 .-
Plan B: I have always
a, B, C, and D I'm the queen of the probabilities and possibilities, "and if this happens?", "Do this then," take this case occurs that, "I think it's something I learned by observation and also that if I take the plane obsessive-compulsive disorder can become pathetic, but managed to moderate it when I can, although I have benefited It allows me to have a cool head and focus on details that are worth seeing for the 2nd time, because sometimes things happen because there is no alternative behind or because people think so shallow that is not capable of thinking and mentalizing beyond of what their eyes see. The evidence does not necessarily represent the tangible. 8 .-
Critical / I criticize:
This is the easiest part, I am sensitive to excellence and no word, gesture, not filtered through my brain, I am also critical nature, some see it as a defect I instead see it as a virtue, a chance to watch what you say, do, etc. has a chance to apply in other words, de otra perspectiva, las respuesta conscientes con varias: negar, refutar, corregir, potenciar o hacerla de un modo más sofisticado.
Pero ojo, no toda crítica es tal, yo las hago constantemente, pero trato en la mayoría hacerlas con un actitud estratégica, es decir, ofrezco posibilidades, no es criticar por azar, al menos para mí y si vas hacerlo hazlo bien porque la palabra ya conlleva un gran peso como para que tenga mas mala fama.
Critico: a los guionistas, directores, productores todo el staff que proviene del cinemundo, por hacer pésimas películas y por tener falta de creatividad, realizar películas 1, 2, 3, revolution, rererevolution 1, 2 y 3. Quien quiere morir if they will resurrect all the time, if we have enough fiction to reality, to make arguments that do not stick to anything, really, it seems decadent. also add to this option the famosillos massive campaign: It's slow again, I think it is a "crusade" silly, especially with the example of the slow and the man who "enticement" to "pretty woman" with a theme or a song dedicated to him, yuck!, all this is meaningless if it is related with a "Doritos" (the slow come with Doritos?, someone "pinched" when eating Doritos? it would be absurd since they have an odor Turnoff total) finally, when I saw it and I also realized that many people are "joined" the more I had to laugh, at first I was PLOP!, but then I went looking and good people who are influenced and it always makes commercial is made for that , people who do not eat Doritos joins as a tremendous incongruity, but it is accepted, it is massive, and because wine is known Franco De Vita, Journey, Chayanne, Solis .... and because sometimes people follow the masses without thinking and because it sounds cute. Critical
huge and strongly to the men who occupy 2 seats in the micro, with her legs spread as if on the couch at home, it seems outrageous, I understand that "natural" be taken that position, but from there to fully occupy nearly 2 points and leave the other occupying half an arm inside and one outside, back inside - back out ... terrible! have to affirm you in some way because otherwise you fall into the hallway ... I learned it is better to sit next to women ... men do not learn. Moreover and among many things, criticizing the stupid people by vocation, by the fact choose to stupidity and attitude to face life, even pitiful people who can not think of a single option and benefit likes of this, people static, passive, Sabiondo, etc ....( continue, but that is enough).
criticize me: My bad genius, I say: this is character gentlemen, but it seems that people do not understand much of it, everyone is smiling and friendly faces when I pretend I do not want them, although I realize that my character is accentuated by the pressure, the many activities and a lot of external factors that will not go because it's not the point. More critical, impulsive, "can not stand that everything is still true?" Rational, "why you have to think about it?, Just do it, period." very accessible, just talk with people I like and do not give details, I am reserved. Complex self-sufficient, it is critical that the receipt, do not let anyone help me unless which is able to do for myself, I ask no help unless you're in the mud and have tried all the tools and support one: Why did not you say before?.
tolerate criticism of those who come and as they come, some are controlled by others are so impulsive and occur arriving. 9 .-
I identified:
women's prototype, which aims to achieve something with tears and manipulations, complains he has not done business to account for the evil that has taken his life, the fragility used to prove weak and benefit from it, the lack of autonomy suggests that not learn from a subject, which is painted over the account, which you highlight to feel flattered, which is afraid of the people and bring in front, which he considers to say things by name is a defect.
Rather it is a value. 10 .-
Humor: I'm not
or payaseos jokes, but sometimes I play with it, but everything originates in a makeshift, I am ordinary black humor, irony, sarcasm, but with a message subliminal, therefore I do not apologize or retract me just say: "emm, I thought aloud, was heard?" direct and I'm even more jokes if you dislike me, it's burlesque, has an air of "superstar "or just plain silly, usually I take the data to mention and add my personal share is not great technique, but I laugh a lot with that, I do not laugh like the other person, but grace is saying things in a humorous tone that the other person also generate the good reflection and think ... And I have to laugh at something, I'm not those people who seems stupid laughing every 5 minutes with each silly happens. 11 .-
I think in the broad range of categories and skills, my REAL & BIG Karma, no doubt the sport, I am weak, less elastic and no intention to remedy or at least motivate me. The sport is good for the body, but I think if you have the power without the exercise is also an option.
If I have to go to the 3rd floor, take the elevator, that simple life not complicate me speeding my muscles, though I must admit that when I go backward I am able to run a marathon and climbing stairs almost as flash at the time of decline but some do, ever so disastrously weak. I am (in the eyes of the generality) ... but my way.
So I guess that is the only thing that does not involve me, I think if I do, will in due course. I must also confess that my physique has not revealed: D
12 .- I hate to hear: people repeating phrases are in fashion or just to piss off, leaving the pleasure of the bad or unpleasant moment that you live, there is also a third possibility is that people say those words just to sound wise and give an air of mystery and predictor. Within these clusters of nonsense words deeply hate to hear: "really mean ..." I think it is fashionable to say this, to start an "argument", believe me if you start well, you're terrible!, The other is the famous: "I told you so, no comment with that, I just hate it, but nothing beats the tedious and intolerable to me to hear all that instruction, which gives some hint as to what I have to do, I'm screaming in nature by what Therefore it is clear what the situation intolerable for categorical answer do not tell me I have to do!, if so, do the reverse. It always happens. It Law
.............................**................. ..................
And You Probably
Do not want to hear tomorrow's another day
Well I promise you'll see the sun again And you're
Asking me why pain's the only way to happiness
And I promise you'll see the sun again [...]
My paternal grandfather was a sailor, I knew not to exercise, but at home there are plenty of photos which comes out dressed as such, giving credit to my restless mind of those times. When retired, I knew as well as his dedication and passion for painting woodwork in addition to me was like a sculptor, I remember how sanded each piece to reach a figure full of perfections and nuances impregnated sacrifice originality and patience, that I always admired him, the thoroughness of his hands with every detail and a very similar behavior to that of a surgeon in full operation.
But the accuracy and perfection was not the only virtues that were present in him, also gave time to go out with her grandchildren and transmit nearest full belief that spirit and energy, such consistent and persistent activity that I ended up inheriting (among other things) .
Over time, decreased activity, as well as his mind and the things we were doing together they began to fade lose its meaning, freedom began to strangle and the air too.
After a few days ill and was hospitalized for several days, I was young and could not enter, so he was leaning out of window and I did his tricks and demases to give strength and encouragement, it did not matter how ridiculous it seems, just wanted to see him smile. Days passed and he got home, only then I could understand and absorb what was wrong, but I always saw in his eyes the picture of his own internal struggle. Although that would not last long, died when he was 10, leaving the 1st mark.
[I will not mention details because it borders the maximum privacy and good, it is not necessary. ]
stayed there then younger granddaughter at the end of a bridge that did not know whether to cross or not, I was lame, one-eyed and maimed, without having the responsibility to rebuild and return, when you're a tiny little thing falls off and all seems strange, when one grows, the details are left forgotten and even the whole world fall keeps moving, when one is small believes that the time is paused and everything is still, bewildered black filled with everything you can think of and the day does not seem clear, unfortunately, when one has already grown enough, the clock continues and your day has to be better than him Yesterday (either way).
Small, incomplete and inexplicably strong and reasons in my hands, I had to cross the line, I prepared my bags and buried them all, closed the world they lived and absorbed my first step into the new reality, I grew up quick and I built everything, because the human being is formed of what to do
, but what you do
with questions, without contradictions and sacrifices.
Obviously with this episode my grandmother became a widow, though her relations were never good and to be more accurate, never improved and the process since my grandfather was not very different from today, well I must be frank, I do not get much with that part of the family, I think not so much in character and although it should be (say), do not hide my displeasure every time I attend a private event purposes and objectives, because all I see in that table is a heap of arrogance, hubris and hypocrisy evident, so much so that intoxicates me, I need the oxygen and causes me terrible allergies, which then becomes massive rejection that inevitably comes through in my face.
Well, years passed, I became known for having the same gift that my grandfather and my character, being stubborn, loud and mouthy, but none of that can determine how I am, because a wise man said:
you do not define what you do, but how you do and why they do, some people are, what should be and not believed to be, the duty is to believe, Quite the contrary, people disguised words and says what he thinks people tranza what it does and it should not be defined in any one person.
Here's something from me, but always seemed selfish, fragile, write about me or a specific episode of my life because I think being subjective is something extremely difficult, selfish and delicate, yet I can not make something up half and although I seem to write the words that somehow alter the reality in which one steps, I have reflected graphically a point in the past that somehow helps us cope with this, so do not forget what we're made.
3:00 a.m. Finish
..................................** ..........................................
Seeking shelter on the road,
where the hours go alone and make sense.
They strengthen
to knock you down Just
do not believe is not good for anything ...
............................**................ .......................
I had already forgotten the sound of the alarm, true that in 3 months I have forgotten several things I wanted to either leave them there.
The fun is over and the rules of the game begin to write automatically, eyes closed but awake and alert consciousness because sometimes everything seems to fade with the light, but there are situations which are resolved in the dark.
Finally, at 7 is dark and I can even predict that the alarm will sound mind that is worth a denial-directed behavior, although it my mood is good and worthy of wonder, but I know that last bit also hopes that things will continue as before, a new day and I feel that everything has changed or rather that everything should change ...
And that idea round my head makes sense: The more I grow, the less I know, but the more I see, the less I grow.
I can not close my eyes ... there's no time to close, it would mean giving up part of my ...
During the weekend, try to make the decision ... now just assimilate, I visualize ...
As long as I'm living, I'll be waiting
As long as I'm breathing, I'll be there Whenever you
call me, I'll be waiting
Whenever You Need Me, I'll be there [...]
[...] "Once the fear has gone complete solitude, a kind of luxury that I was proud and was in this second phase that had begun to [...] many difficulties arise, the same way that when someone is dying of hunger accept anything, unconditionally, and then, once the most urgent has been satisfied, begin to complain increasingly of its shortcomings and disadvantages. I've seen in the last year immigrants who arrived with the humility of one who has escaped from the concentration camps, accept anything to live and work happily play most humiliating, but it is quite strange that a man may not be sufficient to have escaped the torture and death to live happy, when it begins to acquire new confidence, pride, vanity and pride, which had apparently been destroyed for ever, begin to reappear, as animals that had been frightened, and in some ways to return with more petulance, as ashamed to fall to that point. It is not difficult in such circumstances attending acts of ingratitude and ignorance.
Now that I can analyze my feelings calmly [...] I feel that way, I'm paying for the folly "[...] [...]
I asked what he meant. I responded with a more somber tone: "Happiness is surrounded by pain."
wasted on a daily basis, to disallow a change that involves (re) organize, (re) consider (re) live ...
Human beings have to understand, to close my eyes, is to reject part of oneself.
...................................**......... .................................
This is the book I never read
These Are The Words I Never Said
This is the path I'll never tread These
Are the dreams I'll dream INSTEAD This is Seldom the joy that's spread
These Are the tears [...] This
is the fear
This is the dread
These are the contents of my head And these are the years that we have spent
And this is what they represent
And this is how I feel
Do you know how I feel ?
listed, classified in some way or another, everything would be as black and white, there would be no media terms, the inaccuracy does not, however, is the language that makes some accurate, unambiguous and doubles.
numbers sometimes are just that and no further in this, or are so necessary to solve equations that only sufficient to reach a solution, on paper or in life, the numbers define, organize and resolved.
Everyone has the numbers "of luck" for various reasons, birthday, anniversary, age, etc. however there is always a number that is right feeling, that no one points, which nobody plays in the end. The 13 was for years the number more avoided by people, so I decided to resolve the small matter for my conscience, but I'm not superstitious, but I took a taste of self-centeredness, do not count with 7, or top ten, but thirteen, yes, thirteen detail, moments, phrases, etc.. something without any science, but with much originality, as there is a count of 13, at least that does not include, color favorite TV program. , Animal reincarnation, etc. just what comes to my mind and to define it.
Like it or not, I do not, do not expect anyone identify ... = D
Here goes.
1 .-
One more reason to live: The daily opportunity I have to redeem myself, just to try again and again and again to find reasons to keep me upright. passion for what I do every day is what keeps me alive.
2 .- Defect
carried proudly The low fragility is something that comes with the coolness and born with a defect value, in some ways I am skeptical and therefore would not let me hunt easily, I'm a person looking at the innate and sometimes emotions are a product of nature, but are used for a situation or to take advantage of. Emotions used intention notice ground and if it does not remain cold, inaccessible and start to think carefully about what you say. On a daily
this is reflected in the seriousness, all mention once I know, I'm too hard! And often do not know what I can react or what words to say about it, wear it with pride for one reason. I have gone ahead of several complex situations, and my body has been hammered, ground face difficulties with objectivity and I can think clearly in less time than someone who cries every ½ hour.
I'm not going to ignore my past, I used to, but this does not lead to anything, you can channel that energy into thinking how to solve or screaming, writing ...
Furthermore, what does not kill you ... you stronger. 3 .- Reflections: always wanted to express this idea, is fragile recognize when you do not do things right or what you never wanted to make is reflected in another, parents will always create an atmosphere of responsibility and we children, we do see that it is complex, certainly in some cases yes, but I have my criticisms. not blame your son (s) for not doing what YOU'd wanted.
not blame your son (a) for the things or actions TU unsuccessful. not blame your son (a) to observe situations that only YOU carried out in front. not blame your son (a) for being a good person even when you have highlighted their errors.
not blame your son (a) failure to communicate with you, if you never did. not blame your son (s) for wanting to get away from you if you only want it with phrases threats "while living in this house." not blame your son (a) for making mistakes if you anyone taught you to be a parent.
not blame your son (a) ... Love him and love him for like not for what YOU want to be or what you let your pride.
I'm not mother and daughter but when you grow and responsibilities are inevitable, in addition to making awareness with other realities, you realize your shortcomings and questions are a collective story fraught with difficulties. No one teaches you live or how to live, it is up to you and no father to stop the process. When you grow up parents see the reflection of his upbringing, where the errors are not corrected and filled with guilt and blame, justifying their own frustration, as if somewhere, easing the situation. Being son is not a choice, Parenting ... Yes 4 .-
frown when something I dislike. do several things at once. Read a book. Shouting
. Not finishing something I started. 5 .-
disappoint me with: The men who filled words, cute, gimmicky, magic, cheesy or whatever the opposite sex swear wadding "that achieved something, in some ways some men can be so predictable: D, please if anyone does frequently and feels 100% identified, it must be said: it does not work, we are in the twenty-first century and good use creativity for something else. Sometimes it is better to follow the man said ... it is better known, they need to know ... although their weapons are always the same.
6 .- I've never done:
Now this is funny, I'll throw the first stone but something simple, yet is as sappy, but I do not, I have never done a torpedo, yes, yes, of any kind any way possible, if I take my note, which is with dignity or well in reverse and took the position that for years ... look no further. I understand people who do not reproach I have with it, provided they are a list of useless things, dates, authors, etc. Memory is fragile, especially when they ask little things. 7 .-
Plan B: I have always
a, B, C, and D I'm the queen of the probabilities and possibilities, "and if this happens?", "Do this then," take this case occurs that, "I think it's something I learned by observation and also that if I take the plane obsessive-compulsive disorder can become pathetic, but managed to moderate it when I can, although I have benefited It allows me to have a cool head and focus on details that are worth seeing for the 2nd time, because sometimes things happen because there is no alternative behind or because people think so shallow that is not capable of thinking and mentalizing beyond of what their eyes see. The evidence does not necessarily represent the tangible. 8 .-
Critical / I criticize:
This is the easiest part, I am sensitive to excellence and no word, gesture, not filtered through my brain, I am also critical nature, some see it as a defect I instead see it as a virtue, a chance to watch what you say, do, etc. has a chance to apply in other words, de otra perspectiva, las respuesta conscientes con varias: negar, refutar, corregir, potenciar o hacerla de un modo más sofisticado.
Pero ojo, no toda crítica es tal, yo las hago constantemente, pero trato en la mayoría hacerlas con un actitud estratégica, es decir, ofrezco posibilidades, no es criticar por azar, al menos para mí y si vas hacerlo hazlo bien porque la palabra ya conlleva un gran peso como para que tenga mas mala fama.
Critico: a los guionistas, directores, productores todo el staff que proviene del cinemundo, por hacer pésimas películas y por tener falta de creatividad, realizar películas 1, 2, 3, revolution, rererevolution 1, 2 y 3. Quien quiere morir if they will resurrect all the time, if we have enough fiction to reality, to make arguments that do not stick to anything, really, it seems decadent. also add to this option the famosillos massive campaign: It's slow again, I think it is a "crusade" silly, especially with the example of the slow and the man who "enticement" to "pretty woman" with a theme or a song dedicated to him, yuck!, all this is meaningless if it is related with a "Doritos" (the slow come with Doritos?, someone "pinched" when eating Doritos? it would be absurd since they have an odor Turnoff total) finally, when I saw it and I also realized that many people are "joined" the more I had to laugh, at first I was PLOP!, but then I went looking and good people who are influenced and it always makes commercial is made for that , people who do not eat Doritos joins as a tremendous incongruity, but it is accepted, it is massive, and because wine is known Franco De Vita, Journey, Chayanne, Solis .... and because sometimes people follow the masses without thinking and because it sounds cute. Critical
huge and strongly to the men who occupy 2 seats in the micro, with her legs spread as if on the couch at home, it seems outrageous, I understand that "natural" be taken that position, but from there to fully occupy nearly 2 points and leave the other occupying half an arm inside and one outside, back inside - back out ... terrible! have to affirm you in some way because otherwise you fall into the hallway ... I learned it is better to sit next to women ... men do not learn. Moreover and among many things, criticizing the stupid people by vocation, by the fact choose to stupidity and attitude to face life, even pitiful people who can not think of a single option and benefit likes of this, people static, passive, Sabiondo, etc ....( continue, but that is enough).
criticize me: My bad genius, I say: this is character gentlemen, but it seems that people do not understand much of it, everyone is smiling and friendly faces when I pretend I do not want them, although I realize that my character is accentuated by the pressure, the many activities and a lot of external factors that will not go because it's not the point. More critical, impulsive, "can not stand that everything is still true?" Rational, "why you have to think about it?, Just do it, period." very accessible, just talk with people I like and do not give details, I am reserved. Complex self-sufficient, it is critical that the receipt, do not let anyone help me unless which is able to do for myself, I ask no help unless you're in the mud and have tried all the tools and support one: Why did not you say before?.
tolerate criticism of those who come and as they come, some are controlled by others are so impulsive and occur arriving. 9 .-
I identified:
women's prototype, which aims to achieve something with tears and manipulations, complains he has not done business to account for the evil that has taken his life, the fragility used to prove weak and benefit from it, the lack of autonomy suggests that not learn from a subject, which is painted over the account, which you highlight to feel flattered, which is afraid of the people and bring in front, which he considers to say things by name is a defect.
Rather it is a value. 10 .-
Humor: I'm not
or payaseos jokes, but sometimes I play with it, but everything originates in a makeshift, I am ordinary black humor, irony, sarcasm, but with a message subliminal, therefore I do not apologize or retract me just say: "emm, I thought aloud, was heard?" direct and I'm even more jokes if you dislike me, it's burlesque, has an air of "superstar "or just plain silly, usually I take the data to mention and add my personal share is not great technique, but I laugh a lot with that, I do not laugh like the other person, but grace is saying things in a humorous tone that the other person also generate the good reflection and think ... And I have to laugh at something, I'm not those people who seems stupid laughing every 5 minutes with each silly happens. 11 .-
I think in the broad range of categories and skills, my REAL & BIG Karma, no doubt the sport, I am weak, less elastic and no intention to remedy or at least motivate me. The sport is good for the body, but I think if you have the power without the exercise is also an option.
If I have to go to the 3rd floor, take the elevator, that simple life not complicate me speeding my muscles, though I must admit that when I go backward I am able to run a marathon and climbing stairs almost as flash at the time of decline but some do, ever so disastrously weak. I am (in the eyes of the generality) ... but my way.
So I guess that is the only thing that does not involve me, I think if I do, will in due course. I must also confess that my physique has not revealed: D
12 .- I hate to hear: people repeating phrases are in fashion or just to piss off, leaving the pleasure of the bad or unpleasant moment that you live, there is also a third possibility is that people say those words just to sound wise and give an air of mystery and predictor. Within these clusters of nonsense words deeply hate to hear: "really mean ..." I think it is fashionable to say this, to start an "argument", believe me if you start well, you're terrible!, The other is the famous: "I told you so, no comment with that, I just hate it, but nothing beats the tedious and intolerable to me to hear all that instruction, which gives some hint as to what I have to do, I'm screaming in nature by what Therefore it is clear what the situation intolerable for categorical answer do not tell me I have to do!, if so, do the reverse. It always happens. It Law
13 .-
I was born in August, would like it innately cats (I guess), but the truth is that the one thing I hate nature, are tender and are quite expensive cute (some), but they can still scratch you in a brutal and merciless. The year of my birth is classified according to the Chinese horoscope as a "rat", which concludes as a paradox, cat / mouse, though I suppose this has any relevance to me (which incidentally is very minimal) explaining the fact of my sudden changes in relation to my moods, as some people called, bipolar, how also alleged to have 7 lives, as they are 7 times that I have rebuilt from scratch product. Moreover, and last but not least, enjoy the convenience of this issue of the Chinese horoscope, the year 2008 the animal that helped out is nothing more and nothing less than the rat. What benefits me in obtaining a good year (at least I like to think so). From the superficiality, it's nice to think that there is something guaranteed not?. 
And You Probably
Do not want to hear tomorrow's another day
Well I promise you'll see the sun again And you're
Asking me why pain's the only way to happiness
And I promise you'll see the sun again [...]
My paternal grandfather was a sailor, I knew not to exercise, but at home there are plenty of photos which comes out dressed as such, giving credit to my restless mind of those times. When retired, I knew as well as his dedication and passion for painting woodwork in addition to me was like a sculptor, I remember how sanded each piece to reach a figure full of perfections and nuances impregnated sacrifice originality and patience, that I always admired him, the thoroughness of his hands with every detail and a very similar behavior to that of a surgeon in full operation.
But the accuracy and perfection was not the only virtues that were present in him, also gave time to go out with her grandchildren and transmit nearest full belief that spirit and energy, such consistent and persistent activity that I ended up inheriting (among other things) .
Over time, decreased activity, as well as his mind and the things we were doing together they began to fade lose its meaning, freedom began to strangle and the air too.
After a few days ill and was hospitalized for several days, I was young and could not enter, so he was leaning out of window and I did his tricks and demases to give strength and encouragement, it did not matter how ridiculous it seems, just wanted to see him smile. Days passed and he got home, only then I could understand and absorb what was wrong, but I always saw in his eyes the picture of his own internal struggle. Although that would not last long, died when he was 10, leaving the 1st mark.
[I will not mention details because it borders the maximum privacy and good, it is not necessary. ]
stayed there then younger granddaughter at the end of a bridge that did not know whether to cross or not, I was lame, one-eyed and maimed, without having the responsibility to rebuild and return, when you're a tiny little thing falls off and all seems strange, when one grows, the details are left forgotten and even the whole world fall keeps moving, when one is small believes that the time is paused and everything is still, bewildered black filled with everything you can think of and the day does not seem clear, unfortunately, when one has already grown enough, the clock continues and your day has to be better than him Yesterday (either way).
Small, incomplete and inexplicably strong and reasons in my hands, I had to cross the line, I prepared my bags and buried them all, closed the world they lived and absorbed my first step into the new reality, I grew up quick and I built everything, because the human being is formed of what to do
, but what you do
with questions, without contradictions and sacrifices.
Obviously with this episode my grandmother became a widow, though her relations were never good and to be more accurate, never improved and the process since my grandfather was not very different from today, well I must be frank, I do not get much with that part of the family, I think not so much in character and although it should be (say), do not hide my displeasure every time I attend a private event purposes and objectives, because all I see in that table is a heap of arrogance, hubris and hypocrisy evident, so much so that intoxicates me, I need the oxygen and causes me terrible allergies, which then becomes massive rejection that inevitably comes through in my face.
Well, years passed, I became known for having the same gift that my grandfather and my character, being stubborn, loud and mouthy, but none of that can determine how I am, because a wise man said:
you do not define what you do, but how you do and why they do, some people are, what should be and not believed to be, the duty is to believe, Quite the contrary, people disguised words and says what he thinks people tranza what it does and it should not be defined in any one person.
Here's something from me, but always seemed selfish, fragile, write about me or a specific episode of my life because I think being subjective is something extremely difficult, selfish and delicate, yet I can not make something up half and although I seem to write the words that somehow alter the reality in which one steps, I have reflected graphically a point in the past that somehow helps us cope with this, so do not forget what we're made.
3:00 a.m. Finish
..................................** ..........................................
Seeking shelter on the road,
where the hours go alone and make sense.
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