, JULY 14, 2003.
FIRST: Owners, owners or holders in any capacity, domestic animals, will be responsible for keeping them in the best sanitary conditions, providing food, drink and care. This obligation includes the administrative and preventive health measures that the health authority.
SECOND: pets should stay indoors, they may move through the streets and public spaces only accompanied by their owners or holders and secured by a security system such as chains or belts, to prevent his escape.
is considered abandoned animal who does not carry any identification visible on the source and owner and that they carry is not accompanied by a person who can answer.
Stray animals on roads or public spaces may be collected by trained and accredited. These animals may be sent directly to the site provided the Health Service Valparaíso San Antonio.
SIXTH: Any dog \u200b\u200bwhose danger is reasonably foreseeable, by its nature and characteristics, must travel with a muzzle to ensure the impossibility of aggression and their movement in public spaces.
SEVENTH: is prohibited to abandon fecal droppings of dogs in the streets and spaces public use. In the case of manure deposited in such places, the owner or person operating the animal shall be responsible for proper disposal of them.
EIGHTH: animals is prohibited tie trees postaciones, railings, pillars or any item located in public spaces, which prevents normal pedestrian traffic or jeopardize the safety of them.
NINTH: facility is prohibited and / or construction on public spaces of tents, shelters or anything that serves as a shelter or animal room area of \u200b\u200bthis ordinance.
TEN: is prohibited deposit food in the streets or public places for use by stray animals.
FOURTEEN: public action is set to lodge a complaint, the municipality or health authority by the presence of stray animals, lazy or dangerous conditions for the health of persons or their physical risk, existing public spaces .
FIFTEENTH: The Municipality will establish cooperation agreements and mutual support with the Health Service Valparaíso San Antonio and other agencies or institutions for the removal of those animals that are abandoned on the road and public spaces and the control overpopulation of street dogs, to educate the community about responsible pet ownership and humane treatment to those, as well as the promotion of reproductive control of animals.
SIXTEEN: be for the Corps of Carabineros de Chile and / or municipal inspectors monitor compliance with the provisions of this ordinance, making the respective complaints to the competent local police court.
Intestinal parasites in dogs and cats with gastrointestinal symptoms in Santiago, Chile. Public Health Considerations
Intestinal parasites in dogs and cats with gastrointestinal Symptoms in Santiago, Chile
recent years have become important pet-transmitted infections, some of which are considered emerging infections. Without doubt, the most common pets in homes and living closely with humans as dogs (Canis familiaris) and cats (Felis catus). Studies in Santiago de Chile have established that 70% of households own a pet (Abarca 2002, unpublished data), with an estimated average of 0.78 dogs and 0.35 cats per vivienda1.
Knowledge of intestinal parasitic agents of pets that live more closely with men has implications both in veterinary medicine as human health, as several agents have the potential to be transmitted from animal to humans and vice versa. In Chile have been found in dogs, coproparasitarios tests, infections, ranging between 27 and 50% 2.3 and cats, through post-mortem studies, even higher figures (84-99%) 4.5. To date, there have been in our country, in dogs, cats or both, the following species of protozoa and helminths: Giardia intestinalis, Sarcocystis sp., Cryptosporidium sp., Toxoplasma gondii, Trypanosoma cruzi, Ollulanus tricuspis, Toxocara canis, Toxocara cati, Toxascaris leonina, Strongyloides stercoralis, Filaroides osleri, Trichuris vulpis Ancylostomid, Capillaria aerophile, Capillaria plica, Aelurostrongylus abstrusus, Dipetalomena reconditum, Trichinella spiralis, Dipylidium caninum, Diphyllobotrium latum, Spirometra mansoni, Mesocestoides lineatus, Taenia hydatigena, multiceps Taenia, Taenia serialis, pisiformis Taenia, Taenia taeniaeformis, Phagicola sp. Echinochasmus sp.2-10.
Tapeworm barking
One of the most harmful types of parasite that causes the cysts. The most dangerous and is known or hidatidosis.Lo produces hydatid tapeworm, so-called tapeworms, it infects to 6% of dogs. Their eggs are released by dog \u200b\u200bfeces at a rate of 70,000 eggs per day, which pollute the environment in which survive up to 10 months, from the human body orally and / or breathing air dispersed in feces. Once in the intestine, the larvae hatch and begin a journey to various organs, especially liver, lungs and brain, where they encyst in a period that can reach 40 years. The absence of symptoms for most of the time, makes the disease go unnoticed.
How do you prevent spread? Some basic tips:
1. Always picks up your dog's feces and throw them away.
2. Prevents children from putting toys or their hands in their mouths when they play in the park, especially if the area is frequented by dogs.
3. Prevents pets have access to recreational areas.
4. Wash your hands after touching or petting a dog.
5. Wash raw vegetables before eating.
6. Do not sleep with your dog, or let them lick it, unless you are very well suppressed.
7. Well to deworm your dog means to treat every 3 months.