On August 22 held a meeting of the Committee of the Association of Community Organizations Curauma and reported following:
1 º. That at a meeting held on Monday 17 August with the mayor, Mr. Jorge Castro. And being required appreciation for the lack of transport services, security, health, among others, with the imminent arrival of more than 800 families, he reported: a.
That is required by law to proceed with construction projects, regardless of housing situation they are. B.
Exixte ongoing projects that strengthen and improve the services required, unfortunately, no date of execution. C.
Who may even increase the population of northern Curauma in social housing. May reach a number of 5000 families from social housing programs.
2 º. Distribution be made of the problems of Curauma to the community through posters and flyers to inform the community.
3 In the next meeting (Wednesday, August 26 at Club House of Heal PLAIN, 20:00 pm), will outline strategies. Entire community is invited Curauma aparticipar by his presence, registration and cash to finance collaborative processes and procedures to be performed.