theft. Grouping Dear neighbors, during the last two weeks, there have been about four burglaries in our town, during working hours, while most of our community in their work.
We must take immediate steps as maintained by residents of La Sofora, who have bought whistles to alert their neighbors in case of theft or other situations such as fire risk.
Actions taken: 1,
Using whistles community in times of danger. Purchased from Mrs. Gina Cordova in Los Magnolios 177, corner Birches from 16:00 hours. Value: $ 500. At the sound of the whistle, Enaco guards will sound the siren and the people living PROTECTED must leave to deal with the problem. WHISTLE USE IN CASE OF FIRE OR blatant theft.
2 º Paste posters "I take care of my neighbor's house" in each home through a window visible from the street.
3 º Paste each automobile owned by our neighbors a sticker or stickers identifying their membership in the villa. Be notified where to buy and its cost in this way. (We have seen a silver car with alloy wheels and a group with the young at heart, who jump the fence when no residents)
4 th Run a list of name, address and telephone number of each neighbor to call if emergency. (Ongoing)