Sunday, May 8, 2011

Body Lotion That Smells Like Suntan Lotion

Meeting at the International Book Fair, writers

Monday morning I'll be in the International Book Fair, yay!

my turn to meet with readers and sign copies of my book. It is in the byline stand of 11 to 12 in the morning.


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Plugins Not Working In Simcity 4

Help News & Information

We all face the blank sheet. We wrote our stories, and often we were fairly satisfied with the result. Sometimes I look to the expression of the viewer's worst disasters.

We want to correct, fix, polish and we feel lost. Getting started It really can be better? Yes . It is at this point that the narrative techniques are our lifeline.
The style of each writer is unique. And once you have purchased may tell their stories as you want. But for a beginning writer is in the midst of a storm of feelings and doubts, it is better to follow certain rules when editing text and, once mastered, break. But only when the masters perfectly.

There will be people who disagree with this position, no doubt, and advocates more freedom and spontaneity. Sounds good. Not everyone used the same thing. My intention here is to share what I think can help me because this might help others who are in the same situation as me: trying to improve your writing every day. Struggling to see dream come true: to see our published books on the shelves.

Before sharing the first tips, hehe, cosmostyle , I would note three things. First, all these tips, you can apply after we have finished the text. When we are writing is not good or even think about those things. Write, you'll have time to correct later. The second is that some tips seem simple things, things that do not pay attention, but definitely apply them can take a bad text a. .. well, not bad ... and a good text, a. .. excellent.
The third is that this does not mean I'm an expert in these things. I make many of these errors, but I strive every day to put the duckling no where and I have been told or read that I did not get. Those warnings have obtained from the various books that I find useful and some of these books is what I will share here in this series Ticket-holders Help for writers.

The first tips is: The logical order of sentences

Although the English language is very broad and can construct sentences with enough freedom, freedom does not mean license. When we correct our texts look at the logical order of sentences . When we do not have as much experience as writers and we feel that a paragraph is confused, entangled, or already have read it to someone and said that we misunderstand what we mean, we should refer to the sintaxis simple y llana. Orden , orden , orden : sujeto, verbo, complemento directo, complemento indirecto, y por último pondremos el circunstancial. 

Por ejemplo: 

Isabel , reina de Inglaterra , ha concedido , la independencia a Ghana no hace mucho tiempo . 

Es una oración sencilla, comprensible, clara. Perfecta.
No respetar el orden de los elementos of a sentence is one of the things that most young writers do, then do not understand why others do not understand us. Are all the words! But they are messy . An example of a sentence cluttered:

not find - the kidnappers - the police - Juanito child.

Well ... yes, we perceive that they are talking, but is confused, not beautiful. Ideally:

Police have not found the child's abductors Juanito.

Now I invite you to take a story I just wrote, and analyze their prayers. You can use different colored markers. Follow a logical order your prayers? You're stuck with the syntax as a shell to the snail? Have your prayers that order we have just seen? No? Try to change that aspect. Then, reread the story and notice the difference.

Well, I hope I made myself understood, I hope this useful. It's very simple, but if we apply it to our first stories, see the results, you will notice the difference, the better. At first it will be heavy, but with practice, we will more and more easy.
In future entries we will touch more complex issues such as spatially, temporarily, the level of reality, the characterization of characters, the current of thought, etc.

Well, au revoir!

Juggernaut Good Asa Bat

"My sister lives on the mantelpiece" Annabel Pitcher

Information Note: we move step by step at the entrance to one hundredth and first year of your life of this humble blog. Gradually you will see changes. Will be gradual and subtle. Nothing to change the look of the blog ... mostly because I do not know how. Today we start with dedications, because the beauty of books is to make you think of people.

My sister lives on the mantelpiece , Annabel Pitcher, ed. Siruela , 2011

may like this book very much Alendax .
Because behind all venomous, there is a sentimental.
Plot Summary
caught the back of the book.

been five years since Rose died in an Islamic terrorist attack in central London. Her heman Jamie, ten years, has not yet been able to mourn, but he knows he should do so because his whole family did. Things are not going well at all since then: his father drinks increasingly, his mother has abandoned them, Jasmine, Rose's twin has stopped eating and Jamie have many questions that no one responds. But one day, a television ad that makes you dream about things back the way they were ... Eve

Sant Jordi. We are the representative of the distributor "Les Punxes" which is in charge moving to the editorial Siruela for Catalunya. She presents the book by Annabel Pitcher saying it Siruela safe bet for the season and that he considers a very good novel. We trust and we ordered. The books arrive each week. He caught me and aired in a few hours with gusto and enthusiasm. Result?

Although the story they tell me and know me, I can not state that this is one of the novels I've read this year I enjoyed the most (note, not saying it's the best ... and is different). And I fall rendered before this odd mix of melodrama, social novel, black humor and history learning.

The story told in the novel is not original. Ni even thousands of different books, films, series and comics. The world from the viewpoint of a child, broken family, attempts to re-compose, overcoming trauma, dangerous liaisons between members of different cultures, drama at school, public catharsis and reconciliation efforts spectacular. All items are readily available, but pitcher plays Annabel subvert. For example, the talent and sense in the novel. Plays with the reader's expectations that so many end in contests, proms, point I do want to say has seen and read to give you a trick and bring this situation to reality. Or the same end ... things are finished and need not be fixed ... simply are, and must live with them.

whole story is told from the point of view of Jamie, a ten year old boy who attends the collapse of his family and is forced to live with the memory of a dead sister in a terrorist attack; sister she certainly does not remember. This could result in a tear melodrama easy, thanks to great success elusive tone that Annabel Pitcher gives to his novel, a sharp and sometimes very black humor.

admit without shame that I am of the faction she was laughing with the first pages of the novel (those that explain how the parents have shared pieces of Rose) and kept a smile on much of the story. A cynical style, ironically innocent, full of bad grapes that makes the hard drive less, but more oil and a very healthy distance is not cloying the reader with the feeling of the novel. Because it is a novel about the death of loved ones, the loss of confidence, the end of love, alcoholism, racism and paranoia. But thanks to that style ironic Pitcher worked well, the novel saves all sentimental pitfalls to build a very exciting literary discourse, in the best sense of the word.

Because the novel thrill. Especially in the relationship with her sister Jamie Rose and Sunya, this wonderful girl who I wish were in my school as more of a beating would have saved me. Well constructed and believable characters, alive to a reader who empathizes with Jamie. Her desire to live, to have a normal family (as if that existed), to recover his mother ... The author is with respect to children and adolescents and avoids a moralizing tone, paternalistic or condenscendiente. The appropriate style and tone over everything.

Peros "? A story too well known, some duplication ... little more ...

Moments "? The school, a place that despite the years is still hell. And My sister lives ... knows perfectly recreate the experience of a child being bullied in their school. For me the hardest scenes are lived within the walls of the school. But while the child is where you can feel more alone.

My sister lives on the mantelpiece is one of the most enjoyable and recommendable surprises this season. A novel that moves in the right direction, that amuses, entertains and it hurts. And the debut of a writer who sharpening the style might do great things.

Oh and do not forget me, like good writers know, Annabel Pitcher has built a beautiful symbol that structures the whole novel ... And is that a Spiderman t-shirt in the hands of a talented writer is more than a Spiderman shirt. Who read it, you know.

Other opinions about the same book:
Fantasymundo Read

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Is The Louver Legal In Alberta

"Gimme a call" by Sarah Mlynowski

Gimme a call, Sarah Mlynowski, ed . Alfaguara, 2011

Devi feel you have wasted the last years of his life in the company of Bryan, her boyfriend. Well, her ex-boyfriend. And because of this relationship lost all his friends, he neglected his studies and now will go to a lousy school, fought with his older sister and now feels he has nothing. Even mobile. Because of a stupid mistake has gone to the source of the mall. Dead. No. A call. You can call a number. Which? Yours. Devi can only be called herself three years younger when he had not yet begun hanging out with Bryan, when he still had friends, when the whole future was ahead. It take advantage of this second chance to try to make a radical change in your life? Only need to convince herself ... Behind this

argument is impossible to hide a nice high school comedy that has brought me a few hours of reading and a little more sympathetic (and no less). The truth is that the novel is an excuse for the worst. I've always been very reluctant to stories of boy who become girl wakes up, exchange of bodies (between lovers who fight, parents who fight, daughter and mother fight, dog and owner who are fighting, etc.) talk to your family killed by a radio or yourself through your mobile phone, as in this case. And because there is an explanation of something clever to support this situation is usually explained by something magical, that's it. And, really, the explanation Wizard spare me almost everywhere ... Perhaps the only exception to this is the saga Powerful, but of course, is that the series is wonderful Sergio Klein pinch where it pinched. Saved

this obstacle (which is minimal, but I personally affect), Gimme a call very nice, very nice and very funny. The future Devi Devi try past that do not make their own mistakes (or what she believes to be errors) causing continuous changes in the stream of time which will affect the present Devi. Suddenly be seen in another house, with friends, with different partners of the institute, with options to enter new universities, no boyfriend, to groom, with different hairstyles and always without Bryan, the great white menace. This will lead to funny situations and a conflict between two Devis with desires and needs. And although the future Devi everything done with good intentions, not all decisions are correct. Devis Both have much to learn.

Gimme a call made me think about what college a professor told us while we made a kind of something I do not remember: whatever you do, you'll be wrong. And I think that is the central theme of this novella, the inability to match and the need to err on the media themselves to learn. We've all dreamed of talking to our I tell the past and do not do this, do not do that thinking that our future would be better. Not necessarily. Correcting an error opened the door to many mistakes. And some of those errors are needed to become who we are. All explained in a tone lighthearted and fun.

The characters are well drawn, are nice and close. I prefer the young Devi and one of her friends (I can not remember the name, always wearing black) and it is true that sometimes Devi of the future can get irritating, but it is the anxiety of the character by attempting to change your mind that is just an excuse for not acknowledging that huge failed the break with Bryan. Because the other topic the novel is love. And more specifically is a subtle critique of the idea that love is exclusivity, are two and only and only with your loved one is happy. Paraphrasing, that is not love, is selfishness. Love is giving and receiving, but also sharing. And make and create and be free to be with someone.

And this view is great teenage love in a time when the young adult novel seems to be dominated by impossible love, lovers who want and need only to themselves, for the continued identification of love with words such as pain, sacrifice and suffering, forgetting that love is above all joy, fun, flirting and friends and family and hobbies and movies and bad jokes.

Gimme a call is a predictable novel that promises to stay in memory for many days, yet is fun, fresh, fast, unpretentious and very friendly.

And all of this in this blog, you know that is much appreciated.

Other covers for a single novel.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Seto No Hanayome Uncensored

Research Brigade led by Sergeant Joan Pons faces this time to a double homicide in particular macabre. The bodies of two young students from police, twins appear in the middle of what appears to be a series of crimes or satanic rituals. However, their investigations lead them to a dead end: no evidence and no clue. The pressure builds and the alarm is installed in society. Until Pons Carla infiltrates and gives a twist to the plot.
Author: Jordi Cervera

XIX Edebé AWARDS - Youth

Susana Vallejo

Nostalgia for a time, place, who we were then.
The construction of a highway and the arrival of bulldozers is to "Tree House"
and all its memories. Fran is now an adult, but has never forgotten the summers spent in
home with his family. The spirit of last summer's adventure takes us into a puzzle
designed for young people, while being solved, they stop being teenagers
almost without realizing .

Robert Liparulo

If you like mystery and horror, this is your home!
The King family moves to a new city, smaller, where gardens are green and no danger to children playing in the streets. Because the danger is not in the streets:
the children of the King family realize as you walk through your new home.
ROBERT LIPARULO transfers its expertise to the suspense for young people, and not so young. A house that can end up being opposite a terrible nightmare!

Pau Joan Hernández (Edebé Award 2004)
What if you could go back to point the finger at those who killed you?

Monday, May 2, 2011

Did Jeffrey Star Keep His Penis


When Katrina finds a homeless man sleeping in the alley behind the cafeteria of her grandmother, she decides to leave him a cup of coffee, a bag of chocolate with coffee and some cakes at his side.

Little does she know that this act of random kindness is about to put his life upside down.
Because this adorable hobo, Malcolm, is truly a guardian angel on a break between missions.
And he can not leave until Katrina rewarded for their selflessness, giving his deepest desire.
Now if only she could decide what would be ...

personal opinion
The cover was the first thing that attracted me in this book. Invited to read, is a cover warm. When we noticed imagined writing simple , that made me feel very close to the characters. I imagined a book that was not a text bombastic, pretentious, but that simple word as we can use at any of our everyday phrases, building was an unforgettable story. Coffeehouse Angel And I was not disappointed. The argument
is one of my favorites: the relationship of humans with the angels . In this case there is a fallen angel, of which appear fairly in the current landscape of children's literature. And although the cover and synopsis glimpse in the book will be a love story, nor is it a goofy romance with a girl pining for the whole book in the handsome-worthy. No. Coffeehouse Angel is much more than that.
The story unfolds in a small coastal town. In a simple environment in which everyone knows, have their routines ...

The protagonist lives with his grandmother, who lost her parents when she was very small. Both survive on a very traditional small cafe, which stays true to its customers for twenty years.

But the survival of the old Cafe Anna is threatened by the new Java Heaven, a place that offers organic coffee, and sets, in terms of achieving attract customers, all advertising revenue potential: large billboards, posters, music, art, any appeal is valid for the owner of Java Heaven, no matter if that action is unethical.
In those circumstances are known Malcolm, and Katrina. She is sleeping in the alley behind home and leaves a cup of coffee, pastries and coffee beans wrapped in chocolate. Katrina closed the kitchen door, and think that Malcolm can be a bum aggressive, so call your best friend Vincent ... just in case . But when it comes Vincent, and Malcolm is gone, taking their hot breakfast, of course. Malcolm does not take long to reappear.

Since that time, Malcolm, who is an angel, Katrina insists on giving a reward for selfless action he had with him. That reward is to grant your fondest wish, deeper. A situation which many of us would be. View our desire made more intense by the grace of an angel!
But the problem is that Katrina does not know what you crave. She believes it is not good for anything, has left each of the sports practiced. Her best friend has a passion for art, his best friend Vincent, is still to go swimming in the pool to get a scholarship at a university. But Katrina did not know you want to do with your life, what makes the game more difficult Malcolm. He can not leave until you give your reward. Is chained to Katrina until she decides she wants to do with his life. And on top of Katrina does not believe he is an angel.
is difficult about this story without revealing any aspect of the book. There are several elements of the story that I liked and I'll talk to the board. The book presents a reflection on the rules and bases of friendship , from Katrina's relationship with Vincent. On the one hand it should be loyalty to our friends, on the other hand, we might ask whether there is a limit of things we can ask our friends. Question that seems very simple, but it is not.
Another aspect of history is undoubtedly the love . His ability to fall and without the need of unplanned invitation so unique and put upside down all our rules, all the manual that until that time we were following to the letter.
Katrina's life passes at a crucial time: when we left the school to enter college and we have to choose a career. Some have very clear, others no idea. And then you can develop this sense of inferiority to those girls or guys who seem too sure of themselves and the success which gives them a perpetual smile. As with most popular girl in school in Katrina, who unfortunately is also the owner's daughter Java Coffee Heaven. Ops!
The story is very entertaining, is not expected mostly and has a wonderful final. If you would criticize something that bothered me a little Katrina's delay in recognizing that Malcolm was an angel, I would have begun to ask before, but sometimes we are stubborn and do not want to believe the obvious.
If there is something I like in this book were the characters. The characters are really very very real. Very vivid. I felt the author, Suzanne Selfors, had worked hard and I knew as much as my neighbor. Perfectly could live next door.

A curious way told them that I got so caught up in this story that I was surrounded by the smell of freshly brewed coffee While reading the book. It's true! When I closed it, go ... it was the whiff of coffee. (


I leave a fragment of the book:

Falling in love is not a rational process. It can not be foreseen or avoided. This happens, for better or bad, it just happens. I knew that eventually I would. I knew there could be together, but I fell anyway.
was not just magic or how good it looked - although I will not lie and say that these things I do not care. Per or what is also amounted to, was to be kind and attentive. He was honest about his failures and concerns. Seemed vulnerable and powerful at the same time. In the end, I would never be able to find out. Trying to make reasonable love is like trying to dissect a rainbow.

Link of interest.
author's web page.