The portmanteau , Bianca Turetsky, ed. Roca, 2011
Louise Lambert is a twelve year old teenager who collects vintage dresses (which apparently are all those dresses prior to 1980). While looking for a dress for the next ball from the Institute, receives a strange invitation from a stranger yet more strange shop owners. There can not resist the temptation to try on a dress that seems to bring the sea with him and will be instantly transported to another time, another body and another life, the young movie star Alice Baxter. A trip back in time where you will learn the history of clothing and herself. A few clarifications
very necessary for the fair valuation of this novel so beautifully edited to us Rock:
This novel contains language that does not understand (eg vintage fashion ) or language I know only grow in a family where a mother who sews, a sister who has studied design and another sister who sets and removes a lot of clothes (eg, hem). This is because it can clarify be that during the review says something stupid about the world of wipes and I'll say from the absolute ignorance and would go even further, the zero interest. I have always considered absurd fixation on fabrics, parades, catwalks, models, rags, designs or category of demigods who have some designers.
That said, let's novel. Travel The trunk is a charming novel. Small, somewhat frivolous, a little silly, but it oozes charm for each of your pages. Get the alchemical miracle to make me read a novel full of descriptions of clothes, of thoughts on fashion designers name. How? To start the issue of time travel is always grateful and here is solved with the handy excuse of "it's magic."
Second, by a protagonist who despite not being a miracle of composition, has charm and grace. Makes a journey of personal maturity roll "as I learned to love" and it ends up being nice. The rest of the characters are not really elaborate, but the story does not squeak by this because what matters here is the frame.
Bianca Turetsky is smart enough to realize that although she is passionate about this trendy vintage , the reader may not. The story may not be the center of the novel, but an excuse to talk about something else. What? The legacy, the weight of memories and preserving the memory of objects. Because what I liked most of the novel is the passion with which he speaks Bianca vintage fashion, the same passion with which I speak of second-hand books.
And for this reason that the novel becomes in my eyes a charming little book because it talks about one of my songs, but from elsewhere. For me a used book is the bearer of a story. A dedication, a date, a role within its pages, one stressed concrete, sheet dirty, wet, etc. The book has been the recipient of the history of its own until it reaches different our hands. In these parts we become legacy, history has been the object unknown. For this very reason that happens to me with books, Bianca Turetsky happens to the clothes and becomes the hub and the center of the novel. The history, the survival of memory and legacy of that objects are made or implied.
pity that the novel is on point and not much further in these subjects. It is a bit on the story and does not come to kill in full capacity. The portmanteau novel is a beautiful, charming and very funny, but where almost everything is appearance. It misses something more soul because they are very nice for dresses or editing, as we have learned for cinema, beauty is inside. For by grace, style and Bianca can. Fortunately, this is a first chapter of a series of books on the history of clothing. And with them we will grow the style of Bianca Turetsky. And I'll be here to see it.
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