Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What Is Lisa Fugard's Opinion In Night Calls

My Angel Café Dulce María

After spending several days without internet back to heaven from www. I've been in mourning really.

Without internet I have no radio, no newspapers, no TV, I see pain in my soul as my reading rate decreases, the number of films that I can see the week, dangerously close to zero. In short, a disaster. But I have seen the sky again. ^ ^

Everyone is here in preparation for Easter. That is going to the beach to the river to grandma's house, the mountains, the city next door. And I, I like to go against the grain, rub my hands thinking that starting tomorrow I'll calm down and the largest city in the world. Wow, what a pleasure waking up to the chirping of birds, no sound electric guitars coming through my window and breaking into a thousand shattered my sweet dream.

My favorite park, the pigeons, will be entirely mine, miooo, lol, good for a few days. Four days of reading on my balcony idyllic colonial. Oh, I get closer to Nirvana. What more could you want?
will you do at Easter. Enjoy the solitude or go to the beach?

Among the things I'm reading now, are the poems Dulce Maria Loynaz.

Cuban poet, always my favorite. Published in the seventeen years his first poems, far back in the 20's. Award Cervantes in 1992. Friend Federico García Lorca, Gabriela Mistral, Juan Ramón Jiménez. Unique voice, my Dulce María.

undecided love has come to my door ...
And do not pass, and before the door is open.

I say to love: What brings you to my house?
And love does not answer, no salutes, no passing ...

A little love lost its way:
came late at night ... And the night came.

Strange love without course that I won and I lost
smelling of oranges and roses bites ...

That everything confused, leaves ... And do not leave!
new stars hiding in the old ash.

Easter Good For All!


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