to look
As you can see I made some changes to the blog template. Mainly because the old template was giving me problems with entries in the types of letters and because of that reading of the articles is a bit difficult. So I wanted to try a simple template with a light background with black letter, or something more basic. I added a right angel to give a touch of fantasy to the site, because that's what most talked about here, of fantasy literature. I still tweak things a few accounts, but that will be tomorrow, heh. Sunday go if I have done things to hurt my feet, jo
are pending fanfic sections, the review of Angelology, etc. Besides, I come home to me the copy of the Emerald Land of Pilar Alberti and soon we will have the review prontito here. Remember
continue with our first international draft .
And with nothing more to say, I wish you a happy start to the week, and I hope you like the new LDC.
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